Saturday, December 10, 2011

Nearing the End of the Beginning

My classes are nearly done. And them more waiting will commence. Not that I haven't been "waiting" this entire time.

I recently returned from my first cruise, which went to Cabo San Lucas with my mother and sister. I had a great time, and took away some great memories. I was ready for my next cruise before I had even finished the first!

I was a worried about gaining weight during this time, as it would be two weeks until my next class and weigh in.. and those two weeks not only included the cruise, but Thanksgiving as well. I was pleasantly surprised to find I had lost 2lbs, though.

I have to make up my 9th class, and hope to be able to do it this week after I return from Texas (I'm enjoying my time with my husband and dog :] ). I tried to schedule my re-take before I even left for the cruise, but apparently that's not how Kaiser classes work. I let them know when I would return and that I would be gone for a few days in Texas right after, and was told it wouldn't be a problem to get rescheduled. I was advised to call after I returned, to see when a class 9 was open. I called first thing Monday morning (the 5th), and was told Thursday was open.. which obviously wouldn't work for me since I'd be in Texas. I asked what was available the following week, and he said I would need to call the beginning of the week to find out. They sure don't make rescheduling easy! He did tell me, however, that as long as I made up the class "before surgery", it would be okay. I thought it had to be before my graduation, though.. which is what I will try to do either way.

For those who have been asking, I still do not have a surgery date set, yet. As I understand, after the classes are over, I will be scheduled for my psych evaluation and to meet with the surgeon. I'm not sure the order, but after those I should receive a date. From what I hear, it's about 3 months from the end of the class until surgery. Hopefully mine will be sooner than that, so I can get onto recovering and come home to my husband and start the rest of my life. :]