Monday, March 26, 2012

I See the Light at the End of the Tunnel

After my psychological evaluation, I was feeling especially antsy. I felt so stir crazy waiting around again, this time for an appointment to be set with the surgeon. I have already done so much waiting (mainly between finishing my Options classes and being scheduled with the bariatrician), and waiting some more without something on the calendar was not something I wanted to do! Yet, what other option did I have?! Dr. Murali had told me during our appointment that, after the referral is sent to the surgeon's office, I should hear from them within a week to schedule my surgeon consultation. I verified with him that he sent my referral over the same day as my psych eval, and then waited.

Last Monday I called the education department to inquire about setting the appointment. I was told my referral had been sent, and I just needed to wait. I was also informed that St. Bernadine Hospital would be the one to call me, since the surgery would be there... this didn't sound right to me. I understand the surgery will be performed there (Kaiser's new hospital is still under construction, so they're using the facilities there), but it is still Kaiser doctors, and Kaiser insurance that I'm dealing with. I called again on Wednesday, the one week mark, and was told the same information. I also asked both times if there was a number I could call myself to see if I could be scheduled now, and I was told no. I waited a couple more days, and I felt myself getting more and more anxious! I didn't want to have to wait through the weekend to have my appointment set. I spoke with someone on the Gastric Sleeve forums who is going through Kaiser and is one step ahead of me. She provided me with the number for the Kaiser Surgical Department, which is who she received a call from to schedule her surgeon consultation. I gave them a call, thinking it couldn't hurt...and it certainly didn't! I informed them I was waiting to be scheduled with the surgeon, they verified my referral was received, and then scheduled me for the first available appointment. SO glad I called! No thanks to the education department at Kaiser, no doubt. The most frustrating thing I've dealt with during this process has got to be their inconsistencies. It drives me crazy! But not too far in the future I will be on the other side!

My appointment is scheduled for May 4th, with Dr. Fedorka. I have read great reviews about him. I'm glad to have a day to count down to again, as it makes the time go by quicker. I will be writing down all questions I have for him over the next couple weeks, and calling in every day to see if I can get into a cancellation! Crossing my fingers and toes for that! This appointment is when I will be scheduled for ...*drumroll please*... SURGERY! Finally! There is a light at the end of the tunnel!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Psych Evaluation: Success

My psych evaluation was a success!! While I was in the waiting room, the Therapist I was scheduled with let me know she was running a little late, and asked if I was okay waiting 5-10 minutes. I ended up waiting 25 minutes, but I really didn’t mind since I was lucky enough to get into the appointment by way of a cancellation! While I was waiting, Dr. Murali (the Bariatrician) saw me and said hello, and asked what I was doing there (I had told him my psych eval was scheduled for the 26th), so I let him know and he wished me good luck. The Therapist got caught up in a forum, so Dr. Julie Siegel ended up conducting my evaluation. She recognized me from the classes, which was nice, and I remember enjoying her days during the Options classes. Dr. Siegel was friendly, welcoming, and easy to talk to.
The appointment itself was pretty straightforward, and only took about 30-40 minutes. Dr. Siegel asked me several questions, and encouraged any thoughts, questions, or concerns to be shared. Here are the questions that were asked (pretty sure I was able to remember all of them, though wording may be a bit off):
What changes have you made to prepare yourself for this surgery/change?
Do you have support?
Have you attended a support group?
Have you lost weight since you started the classes?
Are you taking any protein supplements/shakes?
Are you exercising?
Have you suffered from depression, anxiety, panic attacks? Are you on medication for any of these?
How do you manage stress?
Are you or have you ever been dependent on drugs or alcohol?
What is your motivation for surgery?
At the conclusion of the evaluation, Dr. Siegel let me know she had no recommendations for me, and would be giving my file back to Dr. Murali after we finished. So, if the timeline Dr. Murali shared with me is correct, within the next week I should have an appointment set up with the surgeon! I'm hoping it will be less than the predicted 6 weeks out, and that I can get in sooner thanks to another cancellation. Maybe that good luck will continue! I'm not sure if I set up a surgery date when I meet with the surgeon, but I sure hope so. It will be so nice when I finally have a date. For now, though, I'm happy I'm making progress. The two big appointments are now in the past, and were a success! Can't wait to keep moving forward!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Moving Right Along!

In my last post, I let you know I had two appointments scheduled: March 9th- Bariatrician, and March 26th- Therapist (Psych Eval). My appointment with the Bariatrician (a physician, trained in bariatric surgery), went great! I was very anxious, and even downright nervous, after hearing from my fellow classmate how her appointment had gone. I was expecting to be grilled, and lectured, and it was anything but. Dr. Murali was friendly, and informative, and I left the appointment feeling good. (If anyone wants a detailed version of my appointment, to know what to expect or otherwise, let me know and I will send it to you.)

Also, I am down another 2lbs! That puts me at a total of 12lbs lost since orientation, and 14lbs down from my highest weight.

My appointment with the Therapist, for my psych evaluation, was scheduled for March 26th. I checked in a few times to see if there had been any cancellations, but each time was told no. I'm glad I continued to check, because when I called in this morning I was told there was a cancellation on the 14th and 16th. Of course, I took the first available! I did, however, share the information with a support forum I've been active on, and was able to help someone who still had another month to wait get in sooner.

So, tomorrow (well, technically later today), I go in for my pysch evaluation. I thought I would feel nervous, but after how well the bariatrician appointment went, I'm feeling pretty confident. The only thing I can do it be honest! I'm looking forward to finally getting a date to meet with the surgeon after this. Then it's only a matter of time until I have an official surgery date.
I found out a little more timeline information, as well. After my psych eval, the Therapist will send my file back to the Bariatrician, who will then send my referral to the surgeon. Within a week I should be scheduled with the surgeon, which is looking to be about a 6 week wait at this time. Then, I'll be scheduled for surgery.

Something Dr. Murali said that stuck with me, and I wanted to share:
The main reason people are overweight or unhealthy is because they don’t invest enough time in themselves. Meal planning takes time, exercising takes time. Many of the people that come through here are stretched too thin and are the go-to person for everyone else. That will need to change.